RSSCategory: Technology & Devices

Electric cooker offers an effective decontamination method for N95 masks

August 10, 2020

Researchers have found out that electric cookers, such as rice cookers, are able to decontaminate N95 respirator masks inside out while also maintaining their filtration and fit. N95 respirators are recommended personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect against airborne droplets […]

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Breakthrough 3D imaging device can scan inside blood vessels

July 27, 2020

A team of scientists and engineers from the University of Adelaide, Australia, and the University of Stuttgart, Germany, have developed a novel imaging device so small that it can navigate the blood vessels of mice. The miniature endoscope, at the […]

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New graphene-modified facemasks to offer more effective protection against coronavirus

July 13, 2020

A consortium of Spanish scientists and companies are working on the development of new and safer prophylactic facemasks to combat the viral coronavirus. The masks will be made of non-woven textiles specially modified with graphene and its derivative materials e.g. […]

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Scientists invent electrical scaffolding-like material to help heal broken bones

July 2, 2020

Current implants or scaffold materials that mimic the body’s own electrical field, to stimulate bone cells into reproducing, are bulky, inconvenient and need to be surgically removed once the broken bone has healed. A new, wirelessly powered innovation by scientists […]

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MIT’s innovative surgical tape can patch up wet organs and peel off harmlessly

June 25, 2020

Last year, a team of MIT engineers developed an impressive alternative to sutures – a surgical adhesive or double-sided tape that could stick to the wet surfaces of organs and even attach implantable medical devices to tissues. Now, the engineers […]

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Wrinkles and spots allow new diagnostic AI to estimate peoples’ ages

June 16, 2020

An artificial intelligence (AI) system developed by neuroinformatics engineers at the Institute for Neural Computation at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), Germany, can estimate a person’s age and ethnic origin almost as well as humans. The system is a “hierarchical neural network” […]

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Alternative, rice-sized implant could help treat neurological disorders

June 11, 2020

Certain neurological conditions require battery-powered implants to treat them, e.g. neuron-stimulating electrodes may be surgically inserted into the brain while a separate battery-powered pacemaker-like device is implanted under the skin elsewhere in the body. These might be a hassle to […]

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Diabetics could one day use remote-activated insulin-releasing device instead of needles

June 1, 2020

People with diabetes have trouble metabolising glucose, asbeta cells in the pancreas are unable to sense spikes in blood sugar levels and produce insulin in response. While the problem is usually overcome using regular insulin injections, researchers from ETH Zurich, […]

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Necklace ECG enables fast and easy monitoring for a trial fibrillation

May 8, 2020

A trial fibrillation – essentially an abnormal heart rhythm – is a major, often symptomless cause of strokes. An experimental new necklace designed by scientists at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) could greatly help people most at risk of […]

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