Television viewing to help detect eye diseases

November 17, 2014

Mapping how your eyes respond to watching television can lead to early detection of diseases such as glaucoma, one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide, research shows.

The research could help speed up diagnosis, enabling clinicians to identify the disease earlier and allowing treatment to begin before the onset of permanent damage.

“We have found we can identify patients with glaucoma by monitoring how people watch TV,” said David Crabb, lead researcher and Professor of Statistics and Vision Research at the City University London in Britain.

The researchers compared a group of 32 elderly people with healthy vision to 44 patients with a clinical diagnosis of glaucoma. Participants were shown three unmodified TV and film clips on a computer, while an eye-tracking device recorded all eye movement, and particularly the direction in which people were looking, said the study published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.

These data were then used to produce detailed maps, which enabled the diagnosis of glaucoma.

Source: Radio Pakistan
Published: 12 Nov 2014


Category: Education, Features

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