Healthcare Travel Council to elevate the Malaysia healthcare brand

November 2, 2021
Healthcare Travel Council to elevate the Malaysia healthcare brand

The Malaysia Healthcare Travel Blueprint 2021-2025 was launched by Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin, aimed at improving and strengthening the quality of medical care in Malaysia such that it becomes a leading travel destination for healthcare, in the next five years. The Blueprint was outlined by the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Industry (MHTC); key strategies of the Blueprint includes digitising the medical/patient journey as well as elevating Malaysia’s hospitality offerings for both medical and leisure travellers.

The Malaysia Healthcare Travel Industry Blueprint 2021-2025 is a “pertinent guideline for industry recovery in transitioning into endemicity” – MHTC has partnered with empowered industry leaders who are aligned to the Blueprint, and many more key players in the private sector to ensure rapid growth of the industry. It will be implemented in two main phases, with the healthcare travel experience being the primary focus:

i. Recovery Phase (2021-2022):- to reinforce awareness on Malaysian Healthcare’s world-class quality offerings and enhance the patient experience through digitalisation efforts;

ii. Rebuild Phase (2023-2025):- where industry players will collectively work together to amplify awareness on Malaysian Healthcare’s niche offerings such as the Fertility Hub of Asia, the Cardiology Hub of Asia, and the Cancer Care Centre of Excellence.

Read: Agency to promote healthcare tourism in Malaysia

MHTC is also establishing the Flagship Medical Tourism Hospital Programme to further strengthen Malaysia’s stance as a leading healthcare destination, as well as developing Malaysia as a destination for Retirement Living.

“For every plan and aspiration articulated today, we must bear in mind that the end goal is to build a sustainable future for the healthcare system,” Khairy Jamaluddin stressed at the launch. “Like how a collective effort is being undertaken to transition Malaysia into endemicity, an all-of-industry effort is equally needed to execute this Blueprint with excellence. l urge for better cross-border healthcare collaboration and encourage nations to cooperate more efficiently for more sustainable healthcare delivery globally.” A copy of the Blueprint may be obtained from the MHTC website:

Category: Community, Features

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