Health benefits of castor oil
Mostly known for its hair and skin benefits, castor oil has some amazing therapeutic advantages not many of us are aware of. Here are a few…
Although, our elders have always spoken about the goodness of castor oil, most of us are only aware of its hair and skin benefits. In addition to this, castor is known for its anti-bacterial properties and various medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Here’s how castor oil is beneficial otherwise…
To increase immunity: For those who follow naturopathy, castor oil strengthens the immune system by increasing white blood cells and thus fights infections. It is also proven that castor oil increases the count of T-11 cells (a type of white blood cells) and the production of lymphocytes in the blood within hours of application. This initiates the body to produce more antibodies as well as to kill viruses, fungi, bacteria and cancer cells.
To induce labour: A lot of pregnant women at full term are orally given castor oil, as it induces labour by pushing uterus contraction, say gynaecologists. The ricinoleic acid in the oil activates EP3 prostanoid receptor in uterus, thus helping in delivery. However, it is not recommended in a lot of cases, as it makes the woman feel nauseous.
To get rid of moles and cysts: Applying castor oil with a pinch of baking soda on the infected area is known to give the desired result. In fact, topical application of castor oil also solves the problem of cysts and corns by dissolving them. It is also said that castor oil helps dissolve cysts in the ovary as the fatty acid in castor oil is easily absorbed by the skin.
For constipation: Castor oil is also beneficial as a laxative — when taken orally, ricinoleic acid gets released in the intestine and then it starts functioning as a laxative. The heat created by castor oil initiates action by helping the process of digestion and cleansing the system by helping in proper bowel movement.
To treat joint pains: Castor oil is known for treating arthritis, its anti-inflammatory properties make it an ideal massage oil for relieving joint pain, nerve inflammation and sore muscles. Massaging the joint with castor oil and placing a hot water bag helps in pain relief. In cases of arthritis, this process if repeated twice a week will ensure better results.
Source: The Times of India
Published: 15 Nov 2014
Category: Features, Wellness and Complementary Therapies