Tag: cancer
Stress ages the immune system faster
Immune aging increases a person’s risk of developing diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, as well as increased susceptibility to infection. Researchers from the University of Southern California (USC) have showed that stress plays a crucial part in aging […]
GE Healthcare, NCCS collaborate to improve cancer care
GE Healthcare, the healthcare business arm of General Electric (GE), have announced a new collaboration with the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) focusing on health practices for cancer care using artificial intelligence (AI)-based research. The collaboration is the first of […]
Cancer drug delivery made possible by “masked” bacteria
Researchers have developed a cloaking system that temporarily hides therapeutic bacteria from immune detection, in cancer-ridden mouse models. Professors of engineering at Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science (Columbia Engineering), programmed gene circuits to build a protective molecular […]
Promising new therapy for NTRK fusion cancer
by John Battersby In the past the prognosis for patients with Neurotrophic tyrosine receptor kinase (NTRK) fusion cancer, was poor as the cancer did not respond well to most available therapies. But now a new class of drug, recently approved […]
Malaysia becomes first in Asia to mainstream genetic testing for ovarian cancer
A successful study by non-profit organisation Cancer Research Malaysia (CRM) has shown feasibility of mainstreaming or implementing genetic testing and genetic counselling for improved diagnosis and treatment for ovarian cancer – this makes Malaysia the first country in Asia to […]
Electronic nose accurately sniffs out cancer in blood samples
An electronic nose (e-nose) has been co-developed by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) and Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine in Philadelphia, US, that was able sniff out signs of cancer – including ovarian and pancreatic cancer – from […]
Cancer drug delivery made more potent with microbubbles
University of Leeds research has shown how microbubbles deliver powerful cancer drugs can be guided to the site of a tumor using antibodies. Microbubbles are small manufactured spheres half the size of a red blood cell and scientists believe they can be used to transport drugs to highly specific […]
NHS to trial reliable blood test for 50 types of cancer
An early-stage cancer detection blood test, designed to detect at least 50 types of cancer, will be trialled by the NHS in England for the next three years. Developed by US biotechnology company Grail, the test can detect molecular changes […]
Becoming a breast cancer survivor

An estimated 100,000 people in Malaysia suffer from cancer every year, with most of that number being women, said Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr.Hilmi Yahaya in earlier reports this year. The five main cancers affecting Malaysians are breast cancer […]
How Deadly Skin Cancer Spreads into Other Parts of the Body
Scientists have made another important discovery in understanding the process by which the gene mda-9/syntenin contributes to metastasis in melanoma (the spread of skin cancer). Published in the journal Cancer Research, the study demonstrated that mda-9/syntenin is a key regulator […]