RSSCategory: Health alert

Scientists turn breast cancer cells into fat, halts deadly spread

August 12, 2019

In an innovative approach to cancer therapy, Swiss scientists have successfully coaxed human breast cancer cells to turn into fat cells, to prevent them from metastasising and taking over the body. Typically, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), when the epithelial cells change […]

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Finns similar DNA provides hints to major disease risks

August 2, 2019

The predisposition of certain individuals in Finland to diseases may be insightful to genetic research. A recent study conducted by Washington University School of Medicine, US, identified 26 potentially harmful DNA variations in about 20,000 Finnish participants – such variations […]

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Diabetic women risk heart failure more than men

July 22, 2019

Diabetes has been associated with an increased risk for heart failure – the incidence is exacerbated by sex difference, as women have been found to be more at risk. A new study, led by Dr. Toshiaki Ohkuma from the Georgia […]

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UN reports on the ‘immense’ global challenges of hunger

July 17, 2019

Hunger is fast growing worldwide despite various attempts to reach the Zero Hunger target of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. A 2019 report by the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World shows that hunger has […]

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Younger female smokers at greater risk of deadly heart attack

July 1, 2019

Smoking is an acquired habit, and while it may cause major heart attacks in men and women who smoke, it has been found to especially affect young women under 50. They risk a more deadly type of heart attack by […]

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Paternal secondary smoke in pregnancy risks asthma in kids

June 21, 2019

Smoke exposure from a pregnant mother has been a causative risk for childhood asthma, and it is now evident that the same exposure from fathers may likely lead to early asthma development in their kids. This comes from Taiwanese research […]

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Too many eggs tied to cardiac disease, death

June 12, 2019

Eggs, consumed in large quantities daily, has been found to bode ill health – new research data has highlighted that every additional 300mg of cholesterol-in-eggs consumed over the usual  was associated with a 17% higher risk of cardiovascular disease and […]

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Spanish discovery may down radiation side effects

June 5, 2019

Radiotherapy is known to effectively destroy and shrink cancer cells, but will also affect/damage the surrounding healthy cells, leading to toxicity in about 60% of treated patients. For patients with gastrointestinal tumours, intensive radiation therapy could result in gastrointestinal syndrome […]

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Diabetics with fatty liver more prone to cirrhosis, cancer

May 31, 2019

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is currently the most common type of liver disease affecting the global community. It’s causing factors include obesity, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease; potentially risking cirrhosis or liver cancer – cirrhosis is an advanced scarring […]

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WHO names excessive gaming a “disease”

May 28, 2019

Gaming addiction is an officially recognised disorder by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and will be referred to as such by medical institutions worldwide by 2022. The disorder encompasses debilitating gaming behavior inclusive of impaired gaming control, increased priority for […]

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