Category: Education
Rising air pollution: bad air days for pregnant moms, babies
Air pollution is hazardous to one’s health. However, expectant mothers must exercise extra caution because air pollution will not only harm her health but also that of her child. Air quality in Asia is deteriorating over time. According to an […]
Adequate hydration for healthy aging, longer life, study finds
A National Institutes of Health (NIH) study published in eBioMedicine emphasized the importance of hydration in adult health. It found that adults who maintain a healthy level of hydration appear to be healthier, suffer from chronic illnesses like heart and […]
Less calorie intake may be more effective than intermittent fasting – study
Intermittent fasting, also known as time-restricted eating patterns, has gained popularity among health-conscious people looking to lose weight naturally. However, according to a six-year study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (AHA), timing from first meal to […]
Study unearths anti-cancer benefit of gardening
Gardening is more than just good for your health. A recent study discovered a significant benefit of gardening, namely that the activity may indirectly reduce a person’s cancer risk. The University of Colorado at Boulder study found that those who […]
Load up on fermented foods for mental health
From East Asia’s Kimchi and Paocai to South Asia’s Gundruk and Goyang and Southeast Asia’s Tempoyak, Sayur Asin, and Achara, Asians’ love of fermented foods is not only for gastronomic pleasure but also for health. Fermented vegetables and fruits are […]
Normal activities can reduce risk of cancers – Research
A recent study found a correlation between engaging in leisure-time physical activity like swimming, running, or walking and a reduced risk of several cancer types. Physical activity is not only good for preventing heart disease and other lifestyle diseases, according […]
Making sense of juvenile arthritis
Not to be mistaken with rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) or juvenile arthritis is an inflammatory condition affecting children and adolescents – complications and consequences of the disease include swelling, stiffness, and deformities of joints. While the exact numbers […]
Researchers discover AI tools can help regrow hair
Some men and women afflicted with hair loss also face significant blows to their self-esteem, as hair is often tied to perceived attractiveness and self-confidence. In the latest advancement to treat hair loss, Chinese researchers have sought out artificial intelligence […]
Lost lung immune cells increases susceptibility to flu in older adults
Why are older people more likely to fall ill with influenza (flu)? Research from the University of Michigan Medical School (U-M Medical) has revealed how the first line of defense against foreign pathogens known as alveolar macrophages, in the lungs, […]
A sandy solution to obesity
Silica particles made from purified sand are able to soak up large amounts of digestive enzymes, fats, and sugars within the gastrointestinal tract, impeding digestive processes and ultimately, preventing obesity. Researchers from the University of South Australia (UniSA) introduced such […]