Fried vegetables healthier than boiled ones
Frying vegetables in Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) preserves is a healthier option than boiling them, says a study from the University of Granada (UGR).
EVOO –fried vegetables are better antioxidants and have increased amounts of phenols that prevent cancer and age-related eye problems.
The study aims to check which cooking method is most effective with the Mediterranean diet. The diet involves high consumption of vegetables and EVOO—both containing high amounts of phenols.
In a study published in Food Chemistry, vegetables were fried and sautéed in EVOO, boiled in water, and boiled in a mix of water and EVOO. Results show that EVOO-fried vegetables increased the phenols in vegetables.
“Comparing the content of phenols with that of raw vegetables we found increases and reductions alike, depending on the chosen method. Oil as a mean of heat transfer increases the amount of phenolic compounds in vegetables, opposite to other cooking methods such as boiling, where heat transfer is done through the water”, explains one of the authors of this paper, professor Cristina Samaniego Sánchez from UGR.
Therefore, we can confirm that frying is the method that produces the greatest associated increases in the phenolic fraction, which means an improvement in the cooking process although it increases the energy density by means of the absorbed oil”, says Samaniego.
Category: Features, Wellness and Complementary Therapies