Malaysian initiative highlights adult Pneumococcal Pneumonia Prevention

January 15, 2024

In a significant move to raise awareness about the deadly threat of pneumonia among adults, six medical professional bodies in Malaysia have jointly launched the ‘Prevent Pneumococcal Pneumonia’ (PPP) initiative on World Pneumonia Day. The PPP campaign is dedicated to safeguarding older individuals and high-risk adults from pneumococcal infection, a leading cause of pneumonia, primarily through vaccination. This groundbreaking initiative is spearheaded by the Malaysian Society of Infectious Diseases and Chemotherapy (MSIDC) and the Malaysian Thoracic Society (MTS), with the support of the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), Malaysian Society of Geriatric Medicine (MSGM), Malaysian Society of Infection Control and Infectious Diseases (MyICID), and the Malaysian Family Medicine Specialists’ Association (FMSA). Read more…

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