Steroids cause long-term health damage and depression

May 13, 2015

Anabolic-androgenic steroids that are used to build bigger and stronger body causes some powerful and contradictory conditions, says a new research.

The research conducted by Clarkson University explained that anabolic steroids can cause acne, increased body hair, aggressive behavior, fluid retention, elevated blood pressure, sleeplessness, feelings of low libido, increased sex drive, increased appetite, loss of head hair, and enlarged breast tissue in men.

Keitz, a student in the doctor of physical therapy program, worked under the professor of physical therapy and physician assistant studies Ali Boolani, said that people who take body-building steroids usually go through psychological changes like depression and homicidal feelings.

Bronson, a senior pre-physical therapy honors student majoring in psychology, advised people not to use steroids as it’s sad to risk ones health to get ahead.

The research is published in Medical Research Archives. –


Category: Features, Health alert

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