Panacea to Supply Polio Vaccines to Central Government

December 19, 2012

New Delhi based pharmaceutical company Panacea Biotec revealed that it has signed a deal with the central government to supply more than 345 million doses of its Trivalent Oral Polio Vaccines (tOPV) and Bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine (bOPV) over the next six months.

The deal is worth over Rs 187 crore and will help the government meet the requirements for National Immunization Days (NIDs) and Supplementary National Immunization Days (SNIDs).

Panacea will initially supply around 125 million doses of tOPV by the end of December and an additional 70 million doses of tOPV in January in time for National Immunization Days (NIDs). The company will also provide 100 million doses of bOPV in February and 50 million doses of bOPV in May.

“We are pleased with this opportunity of supplying OPV vaccines to meet the requirements of NIDs and SNIDs programs. These programs have played a major role in eradication of polio in the country”, Panacea Biotec’s joint managing director, Dr Rajesh Jain said.

Source: Medindia

Category: Community

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